Strong Single Women in India

According to the 2011 census there were 21,88,173 single women in Rajasthan.

Empowerment of Single Women Farmers

The Organiation has been working for the empowerment, income enhancement & identity of women as

Linking with Income Generating Programs

Single women are linked to income-generation activities and programs.

Nari Shakti in India

"Oh, I didn't know I was a woman; I thought I was only a widow"

About Us

“The world belongs to men!” And without a man does a woman have any life?
What is the identity of such a woman?

The society has always judged the existence of a woman with a man, if a woman does not have a husband with her, then the society's view of that woman changes. The patriarchal thinking is deeply rooted in our society. And there has been a belief in the society about single women (widows, separated, divorcees, older unmarried women, and women heading their own households) that single women are powerless, poor, weak, to be pitied, and can be exploited. The male-dominated society has tied single women with many social evils and conservative traditions for centuries, so that single women cannot come out of these shackles and raise their voices for their rights for lives with dignity.

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Our Issues and Activities

Single Women Proerty Rights
Change in Social Evils and Cruel Traditions
Domestic Violence, Exploitation and Atrocity Againt Women
Accessing Government Entitlements
Single Women Leadership Training Programmes
Maintaining Communal Harmony and Love

Single Women's Property Rights

Rights of single women on property

According to the prevalent laws women have land rights over some of the property of her parents and in-laws, but it is not easy to get possession of these rights. In our country if the husband of a women dies then the property can be changed in her and in her children’s names as per the prevailing laws. Inspite of this, it is very challenging to use these rights and claim them even when the land records are updated in her name. In-laws try their best to evict the widow from their house by labelling false allegations of being a witch or being characterless.....

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Change in Social Evils and Cruel Traditions

Change in Social Evils and Traditions

Since ages, many social evils and cruel traditions have been associated in our society with widows and other single women which makes them feel that they are different from other women. Along with this, the traditions and customs make them feel that they have no identity without a man. These social evils and traditions rob them of their happiness and self-confidence, and marginalize single women in various ways. The Organisation is working with the single women to break the cruel customs and end the social evils, and to oppose patriarchal thinking about women in general!

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Domestic Violence, Exploitation and Atrocity against Women

Domestic Violence, Exploitation & Atrocity Againt Women

The exploitation and atrocities against single women increase manifold “mentally”, “physically” and “economically” (and all too often “sexually”) after becoming Single. Many times women aren’t able to oppose this due to fear or other reasons.

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Accessing Government Entitlements

Making Government Schemes Accessible for Deprived Sections

In India, governments of the Centre and the States make many schemes and laws intended to benefit the marginalized and low-income sections of society. In India, these benefits all too often do not reach the intended people for whom these benefits are made! The reasons are basically two: (1) the people do not know about the schemes and laws, or they don’t know how to access them, and (2) unscrupulous government functionaries siphon off the resources before they can reach the intended beneficiaries.....

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Single Women Leadership Training Programmes

Awareness Program for Women Leaders

The Organization of Strong Women Alone (Ekal Nari Shakti Sansthan) really is an Organization run by the single women leaders, who organize and mobilize other single women to work together to solve the problems of single women, and to bring a better life for the communities in which they live.

The identification of potential leaders comes as a result of observing the strength of the women themselves. In discussion sessions, they have insightful ideas, and express themselves well....

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Maintaining Communal Harmony and Love

Maintaining Communal Harmony & Love

The Organization of Strong Women Alone (Ekal Nari Shakti Sansthan) is made up of associated Single Women of every caste, community and religion. Aside from being “women”, what they have in common is their “Singleness”. The Organization for them is a Sisterhood, pulled together as a result of the common experience of not living together with a man, as a “couple”, as a “married couple”, with a “partner”. This bond expands to feelings of mutual respect, friendship, “Single Women colleagues”, working together for better lives for themselves, and for the Indian communities in which they live....

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The structure of the work of single women Organisation is very strong. The outreach of the Organisation ranges from the village level to state level and the strength of the Organisation lies in the fact that the leaders of the Organisation are single women who have a clear understanding of the problems and challenges of single women. These leaders have an important contribution in the process of change, which will enable us to observe more changes in the lives of single women in the future. Through there work and initiatives, the social, economic and family status of lakhs of single women will get impacted.
Infact, the perception and thinking about single women in the society will be changed, and the change has started.
  • Single women at the village and panchayat level are made aware about their rights by the single women leaders, enabling them to step out of the four walls of their house and have a vision for a better future.
  • Single women groups are created at the village and panchayat level.
  • Single women leaders are identified at the panchayat level to prepare a cadre of panchayat level leaders.
  • To do capacity building of single women leaders, need-based trainings and exposure visits are organised from time to time.
  • Issues are resolved through mutual help and support at every level.
  • Thousands of strong single women are associated with the Organisation and are examples of the real strength of the Organisation. Case studies are developed based on the struggles of their lives and they serve as a source of inspiration and courage for others to work.
  • Sharing of experiences gives ideas for strategies and strength.
  • Single women get confidence to move ahead through the social, cultural, policy changes achieved so far by the Organisation.
  • Identification and
    preparation of single women leaders
  • Training and
    skill development
  • Organisational
  • Solving issues collectively
  • Democratic structures and
    decision-making processes
  • Contact with ground
    level issues and people
  • Interaction with government
    and convergence